Section: Dissemination

Teaching, supervision, juries


  • Licence (bachelor) courses:

    • Simon Bouget, APF (Algorithmique et Programmation Fonctionnelle), 40 HEQTD (2 x 10 séances de 2 heures de TP), L1, Univ. Rennes 1 (ISTIC), France.

    • Davide Frey, Scalable Distributed Systems, 10 hours, M1, EIT/ICT Labs Master School, Univ. Rennes 1, France.

    • Davide Frey, Scalable Distributed Systems, 5 hours, M2, Univ. Rennes 1, France.

    • Michel Raynal, Introduction to distributed computing, 20h, M1, Univ. Rennes, France.

    • Michel Raynal, Distributed Computability, 20h, M2, Univ. Rennes, France.

    • François Taïani, Introduction to Operating Systems, 16h, 1st year of Engineering School ( L3), ESIR / Univ. Rennes 1, France.

  • Master courses:

    • François Taïani, Synchronization and Parallel Programming, 48h, 2nd year of Engineering School ( M1), ESIR / Univ. Rennes 1, France.

    • François Taïani, Distributed Systems, 48h, 3rd year of Engineering School ( M2), ESIR / Univ. Rennes 1, France.

    • François Taïani, Programming Technologies for the Cloud, 32h, M2, Univ. Rennes 1, France.


  • PhD: Arnaud Jégou. Harnessing the power of the implicit and explicit social networks through decentralization. Sep 23 2014. Supervised by Davide Frey and Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD in progress: Fabien André. Calcul sur des données hétérogènes et modifiables dans les plateformes à large-échelle. Started Nov 18 2013. Supervised by Anne-Marie Kermarrec (and Nicolas Le Scouarnec).

  • PhD in progress: Simon Bouget. EMILIO: Emergent MIddleware for extra-Large-scale self adaptatIOn. Started Sep 1 2014. Supervise by François Taïani

  • PhD in progress: Resmi Ariyattu Chandrasekharannair. Towards decentralized federations for plug-based decentralized social networks. Started Dec 1 2013. Supervised by François Taïani.

  • PhD in progress: Stéphane Delbruel. Towards a decentralized embryomorphic storage System. Started Oct 1 2013. Supervised by François Taïani and Davide Frey (since Oct 1 2014).

  • PhD in progress: Ali Gouta. Caching and prefetching for efficient video services in mobile networks. Started Jan 2 2012. Supervised by Anne-Marie Kermarrec (and Yannick Le Louédec).

  • PhD in progress: Nupur Mitall. Infrastructure et algorithmes pour la recommandation de contenus cross application. Started Dec 1 2013. Supervised by George Giakkoupis and Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD in progress: Javier Olivares. Web-Alter-Egos Platform: A peer-sourcing infrastructure for personalized privacy-aware event processing. Started Sep 1 2013. Supervised by Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Rault. Privacy through decentralization. Started Oct 1 2012. Supervised by Davide Frey and Anne-Marie Kermarrec.

  • PhD in progress: Pierre-Louis Roman. Epidemic distributed convergence for decentralized social networking. Started Oct 1 2014. Supervised by Davide Frey and François Taïani.

  • PhD in progress: Julien Stainer. Calculabilité distribuée. Started Oct 1 2011. Supervised by Michel Raynal.


  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec was a member of the PhD juries for:

    • Ercan Ucan. Data storage, transfers and communications in personal clouds. ETH, Zurich, Feb 28 2014.

    • Oana Gog. Matching user accounts across online social networks: Methods and application. Univ. Paris 6, May 21 2014.

    • Abdelberi Chaabane. Online social networks: Is it the end of privacy?. Univ. Grenoble, May 22 2014.

  • Anne-Marie Kermarrec was a member of the HDR jury for Xavier Bonnaire. Adaptabilité dans les systèmes répartis à large-échelle. Univ. Paris 6, Jul 2014.

  • François Taïani was a member of the PhD juries for:

    • Bassem Debbabi. Cube: A decentralised architecture-based framework for software self-management. Univ. Grenoble (LIG), Jan 28 2014.

    • Adel Noureddine. Towards a better understanding of the energy consumption of software systems. Univ. Lille 1 (LIFL / Inria Lille), Mar 19 2014.

    • Romaric Ludinard. Caractérisation locale de fautes dans les systèmes large échelle. Univ. Rennes 1 (Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique), Oct 2 2014.

  • François Taïani was a member of the HDR juries for:

    • Sébastien Gambs. Respect de la vie privée dans la société de l'information. Univ. Rennes 1, Jun 23 2014.

    • Yérom-David Bromberg. Towards interoperable distributed systems Univ. Bordeaux, Nov 28 2014.